Sodhie Naicker


Celebrating Independent Authors

Welcome to a showcase of independent authors, presenting a variety of books that offer diverse perspectives and insights. This collection features works ranging from thought-provoking non-fiction to imaginative fiction, highlighting the unique contributions of each author. Enjoy the different viewpoints and ideas that these books bring to the table.

The Object of My Affection: Mercy

By Eugene Marillier
Eugene Marillier’s memoir, “The Object of My Affection: Mercy,” offers a heartfelt account of resilience, love, and self-reflection. Through her powerful storytelling, Eugene shares how she faced and overcame significant challenges, inspiring readers to find strength in their own lives.

My Walk With God

By Keneilwe Tsieane
“My Walk With God” is a memoir that offers both spiritual guidance and practical advice. Written by Keneilwe Tsieane, a seasoned educator with over 30 years of experience, this book provides insights to help readers navigate life’s challenges and deepen their faith.
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Sodhie believes in creating a space where people who value a wide range of topics can come together. Whether you are a reader or an author, this community is dedicated to supporting and celebrating a diverse array of voices and ideas. Engage with the content and connect with the authors who contribute to this vibrant literary landscape.

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